Two Days of Fishing - Two Ways of Fishing

The Bill Thomas party booked two days in a row, August 14th and 15th, wanting to try two different styles of fishing on Lake Ontario. On August 14th, the fishermen opted to try some bass fishing. Although the rough waters made the bass tough to find, the guys got to catch some big lunker bass and experienced the fun of fighting Henderson Harbor Smallmouth Bass!

On Saturday, August 15th, the crew tried their hand at trolling for the bigger fish and they had a much more productive day as they caught their limit of Lake Trout aboard the Milky Way!

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  • Good Fishing - Good Times!

    Monday, August 10th proved to be another great day of fishing aboard the Milky Way for the Titus Mast party! A gorgeous summer day on the lake also produced a nice catch of Lake Trout, twelve to be exact, along with


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